air Car Cinema Project of Gongzhuling City
小编导读:1. Introduction to the Project 1.1 Project Background 1.1.1 Product Introduction Open-air car cinemas, in which the audience sits in their respective cars and listens to open-air movies through FM
1.2.1 Scale of Project Construction a
The cooperation proposal has been prepared.
Construction investment
Proportion of Total Investment %
Expense Name
Gongzhuling City has abundant labor resources with low cost. Gongzhuling City is blue-collar training base of Jilin Province and has 300,000 industrial workers with various skills; per-capita wage of labor force is 1,800 Yuan. Gongzhuling Jinye Technical School, Gongzhuling Vocational Education Center and Jilin High-Tech Vocation and Technical College will provide a group of outstanding graduates every year. In addition, more than 30 colleges and universities well known in China and Jilin Province, e.g. Jilin University, Changchun University of Technology, Northeast Normal University, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun University, Changchun Institute of Technology, etc., will provide a large number of professional talents and management talents every year to provide a lot of fresh blood for this project.
2006-2017 car ownership in China
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