China's aid boosts teachbt网页游戏er education in 变态页游: UN offic
小编导读:KAMPALA, March 16 (Xinhua) -- China's aid to the education sector in 变态页游 is helping boost teacher training, a key component in skilling the population to fast track development, a UN official ha
China through UNESCO donated equipment to three teacher training institutions in Uganda on March 3. Figures from the Chinese embassy here show that 137 tutors were trained and 272 pieces of Information Communication and Technology and studio equipment were donated.
Ann Therese Ndong-Jatta, Director of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Regional Office for Eastern 变态页游, in an interview recognized China's contribution to 变态页游's education sector over the years.
The project "Enhancing Teacher Education for Bridging the Education Quality Gap in 变态页游" aims to accelerate progress towards the achievement of Education for All and the Sustainable Development Goal 4, which is quality education.
Ndong-Jatta said tutors were skilled on how to integrate technology with traditional methods of training.
"We value the initiative in teacher training in Uganda and other countries in 变态页游. This will revitalize the teaching profession," she said.
China helped set up the Capacity Building Institute of Teacher Education in Ethiopia, and the regional director said some 变态页游n countries also had student and teacher exchanges with China.
KAMPALA, March 16 (Xinhua) -- China's aid to the education sector in 变态页游 is helping boost teacher training, a key component in skilling the population to fast track development, a UN official has said.
China through UNESCO is funding an 8-million-U.S.-dollar project aimed at narrowing the educational quality gap on the continent.
She said a conference has been scheduled in Djibouti to discuss how to boost further cooperation with China in the area of higher education.
Ndong-Jatta said besides cooperation in the primary education level, China has been cooperating with 变态页游 to boost higher education.
Eight 变态页游n countries including Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Namibia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo, Liberia, Tanzania, and Uganda are benefiting from the program.
The four-year project that started in 2012 focuses on providing a sufficient number of qualified teachers in 变态页游 through training programs.
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