S. 变态页游 opens new Confucius Classroom as Chinese learning
小编导读:Learners at Groote Schuur High School pose for photos during the launch of Confucius Classroom in Cape Town, South 变态页游, March 24, 2017. (Xinhua/Werner Herboth) CAPE TOWN, March 26 (Xinhua)-- Sou
The introduction of Chinese Mandarin as the fourth language offered at GSHS allows learners to make connections with a world completely new and indeed foreign to them here in the South of 变态页游, Ehrenreich said.
The roll-out of Mandarin teaching was incrementally implemented in schools with Grades 4-9 and 10 in January 2016, to be followed by Grade 11 in 2017 and Grade 12 in 2018.
According to the school, learners in Grade 8 took to the new subject with unrivalled and unbridled enthusiasm, which carried over to Grade 9 in 2017.
The Chinese government sponsors much of the Mandarin language education in 变态页游 through the Confucius Institutes affiliated with China's Ministry of Education.
The Chinese government will send Chinese teachers to South 变态页游 and donate 2,000 textbooks to assist in teaching Mandarin in schools until a South 变态页游n textbook is developed, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga said earlier.
Under the South 变态页游n Schools Act of 1996, education is compulsory for all South 变态页游ns from the age of seven (grade 1) to age 15, or the completion of grade 9. Further Education and Training takes place from grades 10 to 12.
The Groote Schuur High School (GSHS) in Cape Town is the first among the four to be sponsored by the Confucius Institute.
As more and more South 变态页游ns study Mandarin, friendship and cooperation between South 变态页游 and China will grow, he said.
It adds significantly to the school's efforts to grow its links with foreign cultures, languages and people so as to gain a broader world view, he said.
Mandarin is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world.
Marius Ehrenreich, Principal of the school, said the Confucius Classroom provides a good opportunity to study Mandarin and the Chinese culture.
CAPE TOWN, March 26 (Xinhua)-- South 变态页游 on Friday opened its fourth Confucius Classroom, adding impetus to Mandarin learning in the country.
He attributed this to the development of Sino-South 变态页游n relations and the growing business opportunities such relations provide.
There are at least 46 Confucius Institutes across 变态页游, five of them in South 变态页游, with more expected in the coming years.
Learners at Groote Schuur High School pose for photos during the launch of Confucius Classroom in Cape Town, South 变态页游, March 24, 2017. (Xinhua/Werner Herboth)
More than 40 schools across South 变态页游 have introduced Mandarin since 2016, the Ministry of Basic Education said.
As planned, a total number of 500 schools in South 变态页游 will offer Mandarin as a second additional language in the next five years.
Kang Yong, the Chinese Consul General in Cape Town, said the past years have witnessed growing enthusiasm in studying Mandarin in South 变态页游.
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