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时间:2020-09-30 07:26 | 来源:gdsc.net.cn | 编辑:网页游戏私服排行榜

小编导读:“移民二代”特别话题 在过去几十年,有一些人为了更好的发展机会,移民去到了国外。 而如今,他们的子女,却对中国这个遥远而又亲切的国度心生向往…… 最近,咱们Global Times和一些“移民二代” 聊了聊。 所谓

  He also expressed his enthusiasm that China is now exporting its original technology, businesses, ideas and products everywhere in the world instead of relying on the West for such innovations. He specifically cited Chinese mobile payment apps as having impressed many of his friends and family back in France.

  His family have been unusually supportive of his life-changing move, especially his grandfather, who was extremely happy to see one of his relatives returning to China.


  He is happy that his family is doing well in France, but feels confident that"China is once again becoming the next first economy of the world. I say again because, a few hundred years ago, China was the first country in the world. Now China is getting back to that position,"he said.

  李和成从小生长在法国留尼汪岛,他中国的背景来自父亲这一方,爷爷奶奶都是中国人, 爷爷1934年就来到留尼汪岛上寻求机会,奶奶则是岛上的第三代华人移民。








  "I felt the power of all these people brought together and the fact that it seemed that there would be no limit," he said."In Europe, everybody feels yesterday was better and that tomorrow will be worse and worse. But in China, you could feel this energy that everybody is thinking tomorrow is going to be better and better."

  Cheung-Ah-Seung's Chinese name, Li Hecheng, was given to him by his grandfather, who arrived on the island as a 14-year-old. Growing up in a purely French educational system, Cheung-Ah-Seung couldn't read or write his name in Chinese until 2008, when the 23-year-old came to China specifically to learn Chinese.


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