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美国男孩误吞AirPod,不敢离手机太近 ,怕它在胃里播放音乐

时间:2020-04-22 22:10 | 来源:gdsc.net.cn | 编辑:网页游戏私服排行榜

小编导读:1月1日,美国广播公司(ABC)报道称,佐治亚州一名7岁男孩意外吞下无线耳机AirPod,被紧急送医。 通过X光医生在小男孩的胃里找到了被误吞的AirPod。好在,没有什么大事儿。医生跟男孩母亲基娅拉?斯特劳德说,过几


  Although X-rays revealed the wireless headset device in the boy's stomach, doctors at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egelston told mother Kiara Stroud that the AirPod should pass through her son's body on its own after a few days.


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Tag关键词: 手机  美国