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时间:2020-09-27 12:57 | 来源:gdsc.net.cn | 编辑:网页游戏私服排行榜

小编导读:Catholic Backlash Over Pope on a 好玩的页游-StickL ONDON (Reuters) - Thousands of angry Roman Catholics have written to Britain's BBC complaining about a planned cartoon show mocking the Pope as a pueril


"I will not pay the 1,000 pound ($1,800) fine, so that means prison -- never mind," he told Reuters.
"I am not prepared to pay for the Holy Father to be mocked," said human rights activist James Mawdsley who met Pope John Paul after the Vatican intervened to have the campaigner released from a Burmese jail.
Petitions are circulating in parishes and some Catholics are even risking jail by refusing to pay their TV license fees if the show goes out as planned this summer.

Catholic Backlash Over Pope on a 好玩的页游-StickL

Extracts from the show have appeared on the Internet where discussion boards are buzzing.

Luke Coppen of the Catholic Herald newspaper said the cartoon was "gratuitously insulting" and had caused "quite a big uproar." The BBC said complaints about "Popetown" -- a satirical cartoon about office politics in the Vatican -- had numbered "a few thousand."

A spokesman for the Catholic church in England declined to comment.
Mawdsley said at least 6,000 people had written to the BBC complaining, while 28,000 had signed a protest petition.
Mawdsley hit the headlines in December 2001 when the Pope helped secure his release from a Burmese jail where he had served 14 months of a 17-year sentence for handing out pro-democracy leaflets.
  伦敦(路透社)-成千上万名愤怒的罗马天主教徒致信英国BBC电台,谴责一个筹划中的卡通节目,这个节目将教皇演绎成一个平庸的传教士予以取笑。一些教区轮流举行抗议活动,一些教徒声称,如果这个节目在夏天如期播出,他们将拒绝支付电视许可费,并因此而被投入监狱在梵帝冈介入将抗议者从一所缅甸监狱中释放出来后,人权活动者James Mawdsley见到了教皇Jonh Paul,他说:“我不准备为取笑圣父的节目付费”。天主教先驱报的Luke Coppen说这个节目颇具侮辱性,因而引起了严重的骚乱。BBC电台说,针对“教皇镇”-这部关于梵帝冈政坛的卡通片的抗议已经有几千起了。

ONDON (Reuters) - Thousands of angry Roman Catholics have written to Britain's BBC complaining about a planned cartoon show mocking the Pope as a puerile preacher on a pogo-stick, the broadcaster said Tuesday.

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